Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
The type object to use for parametric types – does no conversion.
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Type objects for arrays of unboxed values. Perforce homogeneous.
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
A Venture expression is either a Venture self-evaluating object (bool, number, integer, atom), or a Venture symbol, or a Venture array of Venture Expressions. Note: I adopt the convention that, to distinguish them from numbers, Venture Atoms will be represented in Python as VentureAtom objects for purposes of this type.
Note 2: Consumers of expressions should also be able to consume lists of expressions, but the Python-side representation of expressions does not distinguish the representation of lists and arrays. So round-tripping from Venture to Python and back will not be the identity function, but should still be idempotent.
Note 3: The same discussion applies to other nice types like VentureSPRecords.
In Haskell type notation:
data Expression = Bool | Number | Integer | Atom | Symbol | Array Expression
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
alias of ArrayUnboxedType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Type objects for homogeneous dicts. Right now, the homogeneity is not captured in the implementation, in that on the Venture side such data is still stored as heterogenous Venture dicts. This type does, however, encapsulate the necessary wrapping and unwrapping.
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Type objects for homogeneous lists. Right now, the homogeneity is not captured in the implementation, in that on the Venture side such data is still stored as heterogenous Venture lists. This type does, however, encapsulate the necessary wrapping and unwrapping.
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Type objects for all Venture mappings. Dicts are the only fully generic mappings, but Venture also treats arrays and lists as mappings from integers to values, and environments as mappings from symbols to values. This type is purely advisory and does not do any conversion.
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Type objects for homogeneous sequences of any persuasion (lists, arrays, vectors, simplexes). Right now, the homogeneity is not captured in the implementation, in that on the Venture side such data is still stored as heterogenous Venture arrays. This type is purely advisory and does not do any conversion.
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
A Venture list is either a VentureNil or a VenturePair whose second field is a Venture list. I choose that the corresponding Python object is a list of VentureValue objects (this is consistent with the Any type doing no conversion).
In Haskell type notation:
data List = Nil | Pair Any List
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
A type object for Venture’s Requests. Requests are not Venture values in the strict sense, and reflection is not permitted on them. This type exists to permit requester PSPs to be wrapped in the TypedPSP wrapper.
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
Bases: object
Base class of all Venture types.
See the “Types” section of doc/
The type of the cotangent space of the space represented by this type.
Bases: venture.lite.types.VentureType
A type object representing elements of the zero-dimensional vector space. This is needed only to serve as the gradient type of discrete types like BoolType.