Location-annotated abstract syntax: module venture.parser.ast

Location-annotated VentureScript abstract syntax, as produced by parsers.

Is you are writing a parser for a VentureScript sublanguage, produce Located objects as described here.

The bare abstract syntax of Venture is a recursive structure described in venture.value.dicts. Parsers emit abstract syntax trees annotated with location information. Each node in the returned syntax tree is a Located object, carrying the raw abstract syntax and the location (as a 2-list of the starting and ending character index, inclusive on both sides). For example, the parse for 1 + 2 would be constructed as:

import venture.value.dicts as e

one  = Located([0, 0], e.number(1))
plus = Located([2, 2], e.symbol("+"))
two  = Located([4, 4], e.number(2))
Located([0, 4], e.app(plus, one, two))
class venture.parser.ast.Located(loc, value)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Convert Located object to legacy Python dict representation.

New code should not use this.


Check whether the given object is a Located instance.


Create Located list of Located items.

The list spans the items’ total extent.

Assumes the items are in ascending order of location.

venture.parser.ast.locmerge(lv0, lv1, v)

Create Located object with given value spanning two located items.

The extent the result spans the extent of the two given Located objects, which must be in location order.

venture.parser.ast.map_value(f, located)

Return Located instance with same location and mapped value.

The new value is computed by applying f to the value in located.

venture.parser.ast.update_value(located, v)

Return new Located instance with same location and new value.