BQL: Bayesian Query Language

BQL is a probabilistic extension to SQL that supports

  • standard deterministic SQL queries,
  • estimating probabilities and strengths of relationships between rows and columns,
  • inferring missing values within confidence intervals, and
  • simulating data from generative models.

BQL does not currently include any of the SQL Data Modification Language (DML) – INSERT, UPDATE, and other commands to modify the contents of tables – and includes only limited subset of the SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) – CREATE TABLE and commands to modify the database schema.

A BQL phrase is either a command or a query. In contexts admitting multiple BQL phrases, e.g. at the bayeslite shell, each phrase must be terminated by a semicolon before the next one begins.

Expressions in BQL are like SQL, and may involve standard arithmetic, SQL functions such as IFNULL. Expressions in BQL may additionally involve model functions such as PREDICTIVE PROBABILITY OF <column> in appropriate contexts.

In the following syntax description, square brackets denote optional terms. For example, the pattern

DEPENDENCE PROBABILITY [[OF <column1>] WITH <column2>]




BQL Commands

BQL commands change the state of the database.


Transactions are groups of changes to a database that happen all at once or not at all. Transactions do not nest.

FUTURE: BQL will additionally support savepoints (Github issue #36), which are like transactions but may be named and nested.


Begin a transaction. Subsequent commands take effect within the transaction, but will not be made permanent until COMMIT, and may be undone with ROLLBACK.


End a transaction, and commit to all changes made since the last BEGIN.


End a transaction, and discard all changes made since the last BEGIN.

Data Definition Language

The BQL DDL is currently limited to creating tables from the results of queries, and dropping and renaming tables.

The complete SQL DDL supported by sqlite3 is not supported by BQL. Note that one can always fall back to executing SQL instead of BQL in Bayeslite.


Create a table named name from the csv file at pathname. Note that pathname is a string, and should be surrounded by single quotes.


Create a table named name to hold the results of the query query.


Drop the table name and all its contents.

May fail if there are foreign key constraints that refer to this table.

ALTER TABLE <name> <alterations>

Alter the specified properties of the table name. The alterations are a comma-separated list of alterations. The following alterations are supported:

RENAME TO <newname>

Change the table’s name to newname. Foreign key constraints are updated; triggers and views are not, and must be dropped and recreated separately, due to limitations in sqlite3.

If table name has an implicit population, then both the table and its implicit population will be renamed to newname.

FUTURE: Renaming columns (Github issue #35).

Metamodeling Language (MML)


A BQL population is a named database object which contains a collection of variables and their statistical data types. The variables of a population correspond to (a subset of the) columns in a given SQL table t, known as the ‘’base table’’ of the population. Analogously to each column in a SQL table having a data type (such as INT, FLOAT, or VARCHAR) which determines what kind of data can be stored for that column, every variable in a population has a statistical data type (such as NUMERICAL, COUNT, MAGNITUDE, or NOMINAL) which determines which probabilistic models are applicable to that variable.

Note: While the terms ‘column’ and ‘variable’ are often used exchangeably, formally a ‘column’ belongs to a SQL table, whereas a ‘variable’ belongs to a BQL population.


Create a population named pop with base table and statistical data types given by schema.

If the population name pop is not specified, then an “implicit” population will be created for the table, whose name is the same as the table name. Note that a table with an implicit population cannot have multiple populations.

The schema is defined using any combination of the following statements, separated by semicolons:

GUESS STATTYPE(S) OF (<column(s)>)

Guess the statistical type for the given comma-separated list of column(s), using data-dependent heuristics. Use (*) to indicate all columns in the table.

SET STATTYPE(S) OF <column(s)> TO <stattype>

Set the statistical data type of column(s) to stattype.

IGNORE <column(s)>

Ignore column(s); no variable in the population will be created for these columns in the base table


Drop population pop and all its contents. Will fail if there are still generators associated with this population.


Alter the specified properties of pop. The following alterations are supported:

RENAME TO <newname>

Change the population’s name to newname.

If pop is an implicit population for a base table pop, this command will fail. Instead, use ALTER TABLE <pop> RENAME TO <newname>, which will result in renaming both the base table and its implicit population to newname.

If population pop has an implicit generator, then both the population and its implicit generator will be renamed to newname.

ADD VARIABLE <varname> [<stattype>]

Add the given variable to the population, optionally specifying its statistical data type. If unspecified, the statistical type will be heuristically guessed.

Note that varname must correspond to an existing column in the base table of the population; it is either a column that was specified as IGNORE when creating the population, or a column that was added later using e.g. the SQL command ALTER TABLE <t> ADD COLUMN.

SET STATTYPE OF <variable(s)> TO <stattype>

Change the statistical type of the given variable(s) to stattype.


Guess a population schema for table. The schema maps each column in table to its guessed statistical type, and gives the heuristic reason for the guess. Columns in table will be guessed to be NOMINAL, NUMERICAL or IGNORE. The query yields a table with three columns: name, stattype, and reason.


A BQL generator is a generative probabilistic model which describes the joint distribution of all the variables in a given base population.

CREATE GENERATOR [IF NOT EXISTS] [<gen>] FOR <population> [USING <backend>] (<customization>)

Create generator gen for population, optionally specifying which backend to use.

If the generator name gen is not specified, then an “implicit” generator will be created for the population, whose name is the same as the population name. Note that a population with an implicit generator cannot have multiple generators.

The default backend is cgpm, which uses CrossCategorization as the default generative model. This backend supports the following customization statements for overriding parts of the default model:

OVERRIDE GENERATIVE MODEL FOR <variable(s)> [GIVEN <variable(s)>] USING <predictor>

Use predictor as the generative model for the specified (conditional) distribution.


Use a randomly chosen subsample of nrows rows from the base table of the population to use for fitting the generative model.


Initialize an ensemble of n models for the generator g.

Each model can be thought of as a different sample of all unknown parameters specified by the generative model of the generative model. For example, if the generator used is Bayesian factor analysis, then each model may correspond to a different posterior sample of the factor loading matrix.

Using IF NOT EXISTS will initialize all models in the range 0 to num -1 that do not already exist.

ANALYZE <g> [MODELS (<indexes>)] FOR <duration> [CHECKPOINT <duration>] (<customization>)

Perform analysis on models in generator g. An optional subset of models can be specified by giving their indexes; by default, analysis will be applied to all models. The duration can take on values of <n> SECOND(S), <n> MINUTE(S), or <n> ITERATION(S). The FOR duration specifies how long to perform analysis. The CHECKPOINT duration specifies how often to commit the intermediate results of analysis to the database on disk.

When the generator is created using the default cgpm backend, then the following semicolon-separated customization commands are supported:


Use a faster MCMC implementation for fitting CrossCat-modeled variables.


Suppress progress bar.

SKIP <variables>

Analyze all variables in the population, except for the comma-separated list of variables.

VARIABLES <variables>

Analyze only the comma-separated list of variables.

ROWS <rows>

Analyze only the specified rows.


Specify an optional set of CrossCat subproblems to apply analysis to. By default, analysis will cycle randomly through all subproblems.

DROP [[MODEL <num>] | [MODELS <num0>-<num1>] FROM] GENERATOR [IF EXISTS] <g>

Drop the generator g and all its contents. Optionally, drop only the model numbered num, or the models ranging from num0 to num1.


Alter the specified properties of gen. The following alterations are supported:

RENAME TO <newname>

Change the generator’s name to newname.

If gen is an implicit generator for a base population, this command will fail. Instead, use ALTER POPULATION <gen> RENAME TO <newname>, which will result in renaming both base population and its implicit generator to newname.

BQL Queries

SELECT <columns>

Standard SQL constant SELECT: yield a single row by evaluating the specified columns.

SELECT [DISTINCT|ALL] <columns> FROM <table> [WHERE <condition>] [GROUP BY <grouping>] [ORDER BY <ordering>] [LIMIT <limit>]

Standard SQL SELECT. Model estimators are not allowed, except in subqueries of types that allow them.


Comma-separated list of BQL expressions, each with an optional AS <name> to name the column in the resulting table.

FROM <table>

The table is a comma-separated list of table names or subqueries, each with an optional AS <name> to qualify the table name in references to its columns. When multiple tables are specified separated by commas, their join (cartesian product) is selected from.

WHERE <condition>

The condition is a BQL expression selecting a subset of the input rows from table for which output rows will be computed.

GROUP BY <grouping>

The grouping is a BQL expression specifying a key on which to group output rows. May be the name of an output column with AS <name> in columns.

ORDER BY *expression* [ASC|DESC]

The expression is a BQL expression specifying a key by which to order output rows, after grouping if any. Rows are yielded in ascending order of the key by default or if ASC is specified, or in descending order of the key if DESC is specified.

LIMIT <n> [OFFSET <offset>] or LIMIT <offset>, <n>

Both n and offset are BQL expressions. Only up to n (inclusive) rows are returned after grouping and ordering, starting at offset from the beginning.

ESTIMATE <expression> BY <population>

Like constant SELECT, extended with model estimators of one implied row.

ESTIMATE [DISTINCT|ALL] <expression> FROM <population> [MODELED BY <g>] [USING [MODEL <num>] [MODELS <num0>-<num1>]] [WHERE <condition>] [GROUP BY <grouping>] [ORDER BY <ordering>] [LIMIT <limit>]

Like SELECT on the table associated with population, extended with model estimators of one implied row.

ESTIMATE <expression> FROM VARIABLES OF <population> [MODELED BY <g>] [USING [MODEL <num>] [MODELS <num0>-<num1>]] [WHERE <condition>] [GROUP BY <grouping>] [ORDER BY <ordering>] [LIMIT <limit>]

Like SELECT on the modeled columns of population, extended with model estimators of one implied column.

ESTIMATE <expression> FROM PAIRWISE VARIABLES OF <population> [FOR <subcolumns>] [MODELED BY <g>] [USING [MODEL <num>] [MODELS <num0>-<num1>]] [WHERE <condition>] [ORDER BY <ordering>] [LIMIT <limit>]

Like SELECT on the self-join of the modeled columns of population, extended with model estimators of two implied columns.

In addition to a literal list of column names, the list of subcolumns may be an ESTIMATE * FROM VARIABLES OF subquery.

ESTIMATE <expression> FROM PAIRWISE <population> [MODELED BY <g>] [USING [MODEL <num>] [MODELS <num0>-<num1>] [WHERE <condition>] [ORDER BY <ordering>] [LIMIT <limit>]

Like SELECT on the self-join of the table associated with population, extended with model estimators of two implied rows.

(Currently the only expression functions of two implied rows are SIMILARITY and SIMILARITY IN THE CONTEXT OF (...).)

INFER <colnames> [WITH CONFIDENCE <conf>] FROM <population> [MODELED BY <g>] [USING [MODEL <num>] [MODELS <num0>-<num1>]] [WHERE <condition>] [GROUP BY <grouping>] [ORDER BY <ordering>] [LIMIT <limit>]

Select the specified colnames from population, filling in missing values if they can be filled in with confidence at least conf, a BQL expression. Only missing values colnames will be filled in; missing values in columns named in condition, grouping, and ordering will not be. Model estimators and model predictions are allowed in the expressions.

The colnames is a comma-separated list of column names, not arbitrary BQL expressions.

INFER EXPLICIT <expression> FROM <population> [MODELED BY <g>] [USING [MODEL <num>] [MODELS <num0>-<num1>]] [WHERE <condition>] [GROUP BY <grouping>] [ORDER BY <ordering>] [LIMIT <limit>]

Like SELECT on the table associated with population, extended with model estimators of one implied row and with model predictions.

In addition to normal SELECT columns, expression may include:

PREDICT <name> [AS <rename>] CONFIDENCE <confname>

This results in two resulting columns, one named rename, or name if rename is not supplied, holding a predicted value of the column name, and one named confname holding the confidence of the prediction.

SIMULATE <colnames> FROM <population> [MODELED BY <g>] [USING [MODEL <num>] [MODELS <num0>-<num1>]] [GIVEN <constraints>] [LIMIT <limit>]

Select the requested colnames from rows sampled from population. The constraints is a comma-separated list of constraints of the form

<colname> = <expression>

representing equations that the returned rows satisfy.

The number of rows in the result will be limit.

BQL Expressions

BQL expressions, like SQL expressions, may name columns, include query parameters, use standard arithmetic operators, and use SQL functions such as ABS(<x>), as documented in the SQLite3 Manual.

In addition, BQL expressions in ESTIMATE and INFER queries may use model estimators, and BQL expressions in INFER queries may use model predictions.

Model Estimators

Model estimators are functions of a model, up to two columns, and up to one row.

WARNING: Due to limitations in the sqlite3 query engine that bayeslite relies on (Github issue #308), repeated references to a model estimator may be repeatedly evaluated for each row, even if they are being stored in the output of queries. For example,

ORDER BY "mutinf"

has the effect of estimating mutual information twice for each row because it is mentioned twice, once in the output and once in the ORDER BY, which is twice as slow as it needs to be. (Actually, approximately four times, because mutual information is symmetric, but that is an orthogonal issue.)

To avoid this double evaluation, you can order the results of a subquery instead:

ORDER BY "mutinf"

PREDICTIVE PROBABILITY OF <column> [GIVEN (<column(s)>)]

Function of one implied row. Returns the predictive probability of the row’s value for the column named column, optionally given the data in column(s) in the row.

PROBABILITY DENSITY OF <column> = <value> [GIVEN (<constraints>)]

PROBABILITY DENSITY OF (<targets>) [GIVEN (<constraints>)]

Constant. Returns the probability density of the value of the BQL expression value for the column column. If targets is specified instead, it is a comma-separated list of <column> = <value> terms, and the result is the joint density for all the specified target column values.

If constraints is specified, it is also a comma-separated list of <column> = <value> terms, and the result is the conditional joint density given the specified constraint column values.

WARNING: The value this function returns is not a normalized probability in [0, 1], but rather a probability density with a normalization constant that is common to the column but may vary between columns. So it may take on values above 1.

PROBABILITY DENSITY OF VALUE <value> [GIVEN (<constraints>)]

Function of one implied column. Returns the probability density of the value of the BQL expression value for the implied column. If constraints is specified, it is a comma-separated list of <column> = <value> terms, and the result is the conditional density given the specified constraint column values.

SIMILARITY [OF (<boolexpr0>)] [TO (<boolexpr1>)] IN THE CONTEXT OF <column>

Constant, or function of one or two implied rows. If given both OF and TO, returns a constant measure of similarity between the first row satisfied by boolexpr0 and the first row satisfied by boolexpr1. If given only TO returns a measure of the similarity of the implied row with the first row satisfying boolexpr1. Otherwise, returns a measure of the similarity of the two implied rows. The similarity may be considered within the context of a column.




If given OF, returns a measure of predictive relevance of the first row satisfying boolexpr0 for the existing and/or hypothetical rows satisfying boolexpr1 (and boolexpr2 in the case of both) in the context of column. Otherwise, returns a measure of predictive relevance of all rows to the specified existing and/or hypothetical rows.

CORRELATION [[OF <column1>] WITH <column2>]

Constant, or function of one or two implied columns. Returns standard measures of correlation between columns:

  • Pearson correlation coefficient squared for two numerical columns.
  • Cramer’s phi for two nominal columns.
  • ANOVA R^2 for a nominal column and a numerical column.

Cyclic columns are not supported.

DEPENDENCE PROBABILITY [[OF <column1>] WITH <column2>]

Constant, or function of one or two implied columns. Returns the probability (density) that the two columns are dependent.

MUTUAL INFORMATION [[OF <column1>] WITH <column2>] [USING <n> SAMPLES]

Constant, or function of one or two implied columns. Returns the strength of dependence between the two columns, in units of bits.

If USING <n> SAMPLES is specified and the underlying generator uses Monte Carlo integration for each model to estimate the mutual information (beyond merely the integral averaging all generators), the integration is performed using n samples for each model.

Model Predictions

PREDICT <column> [WITH CONFIDENCE <confidence>]

Function of one implied row. Samples a value for the column named column from the model given the other values in the row, and returns it if the confidence of the prediction is at least the value of the BQL expression confidence; otherwise returns null.